Philippe Alliet

Philippe Alliet, painter, photographer and draftsman, claims a versatility that is expressed through numerous series, what he humorously called "the sweet law of series".


Nationality: fr France
Date of birth: 1956


Francesca Woodman, Peter Doig, Gerhard Richter


2004-2005 Licence Arts plastiques - Paris I Paris, France
1976-1977 Reçu au concours de l'École Nationale Louis Lumière Paris, France
Philippe Alliet

The artist at work

Solo Expositions

2002 "Les ailes de l'ange"-Peinture Rouen, Normandie, France

2000 "Attitudes" (peinture) Rouen, Normandie, France

Collective Expositions

2021 Salon des artistes en Normandie Caen (14), France

2021 Salon des artistes en Normandie (14) Bayeux, France

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